The Newark Capacity, Access, and Resources for Early Success (CARES) Network was launched in May 2022 by Newark Trust for Education (NTE) with Unified Vailsburg Services Organization (UVSO) and Clinton Community & Early Childhood Center (Clinton Hill). This staffed network for Newark’s Family Child Care (FCC) educators is the culmination of intentional learning by this partnership with FCC educators, families who use FCC, and national experts. We established this network to reap the full potential of culturally sustaining, strengths-based care for diverse early learners and their families. The network also centers families’ early learning, connections to resources, and leadership opportunities. We are well-positioned to serve as a core hub leading citywide early learning. Read more about this network in the concept note.
Why Center FCCs?
When we invest in FCCs, we,
Support the diversification of childcare options for families who have varied childcare needs;
Increase access to local, affordable, high-quality childcare;
Allow more families—and in particular, mothers—to enter or return to the workforce;
Strengthen the early learning pipeline that connects home-based, center-based, and pre-K programs into the existing education system infrastructure;
Strengthen these predominantly minority and women-owned businesses (MWOBs) through connecting them with a plethora of services and supports.
Why Use a Staffed Network Approach?
The accompanying literature review shows that staffed FCC networks are an effective way to support the peer learning, leadership development, professional development, and business stability of FCC educators. Network participation supports higher-quality learning and interactional opportunities for enrolled children. Linking FCC providers with early learning organizations and childcare centers expands their access to shared supports and resources that bolster their ability to meet quality standards, recruit additional families, and sustain and grow their centers. The infographic (available in English and Spanish) summarizes our interviews with FCC educators and families who place their children in their care.
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