Here’s what’s happening in education news both locally and nationally!
Trust Announces New Grant Opportunity with Newark 350!
To help commemorate Newark’s 350th anniversary, the Newark Trust for Education is pleased to partner with the Newark Celebration 350 (NC350) Committee to support the launch of educational activities that will bring together parents, educators and students in celebration of Newark’s cultural, historical and social roots.
We encourage you to share the application with schools across the city, including district, charter and independent schools.
Students Talk Politics, Crime and Community Leadership at Weequahic High Forum
Students from Weequahic High School hosted a forum in partnership with leaders from across the State to discuss activism, community leadership and the importance of student voice.
State Budget for Education is Tight, but Newark Schools May Get $20M Boost in Aid
In a move to support districts with a high number of students in non-traditional public schools, officials from the Newark Public Schools, the City of Newark and local community leaders ask the State for additional aid to help offset costs associated with the rise of charter schools in the sector.
Read the full letter here. Learn more about recent announcements related to state aid here and here.
Newark Elementary School Students Hit the Main Stage at NJPAC Thanks to the Disney Musicals in Schools Program
Three Newark schools were among the cohort of 5 public elementary schools selected by NJPAC to produce and perform Disney Classics under the Disney Musicals in Schools Program.
South Ward Community Schools Initiative to Bring Wraparound Model to Five Schools for 2016-2017
The City of Newark and Newark Public Schools announced the five Newark schools that will participate in the South Ward Community Schools Initiative. The selected schools are Malcolm X Shabazz High School, BRICK Avon Academy, Belmont Runyon Elementary School, Louise A. Spencer Elementary School, and BRICK Peshine Avenue School. The project is being managed by the Strong Healthy Communities Initiative (SHCI).
Read more about the SCHI and their current efforts to strengthen community engagement here.
Urban League Young Professionals Talk Strategy on Area’s Gravest Issues in First General Body Meeting of the Year
As part of their efforts to improve economic conditions across the county, the Urban League of Essex County Young Professionals convened a forum to discuss the current state of affairs for African-American residents in the state, focusing on education, employment, and criminal justice.
Newark High School Football Player Will Travel to Italy for International Exhibition Game
A pupil from Malcolm X Shabazz High School, is among the few U.S. students selected to compete in Italy for an international exhibition as part of the American Football Worldwide ELITE team.
Half of Newark High Schoolers Are 'Chronically Absent'—Here's What's Being Done
Civic efforts to address the chronic absenteeism plaguing nearly half of Newark’s high school students has resulted in the formation of a new “Attendance Committee” to focus on both the causes and effects of chronic absenteeism.
The move comes after a study by the Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) found that 49 percent of students in high-school missed 18 or more days during 2014-15.
Three Newark High School Students Win Congressional App Challenge for Food App
Three seniors from North 13th Street Tech were winners of the 2015 Congressional App Challenge for high school students in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District. The Congressional App challenge is an annual competition to promote the value of computer science and STEM education by encouraging U.S. high school students to learn how to code.
How Parents With Kids in N.J.'s Urban Schools Can Lift Their Communities
A new editorial from Shannel Dunns of the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO) of New Jersey provides a number of ideas on how schools can better engage parents, highlighting the importance of intermediary and community-based organizations.
Early Childhood Offerings Would Expand With New Legislative Package
Continuing the focus on expanding pre-school in NJ, Senator Teresa Ruiz announced a series of 5 bills to grow early childhood offerings, including full-day kindergarten for all districts, tax credits for childcare expense, increased funding and support for after-school programs and home visitations, and calls for the establishment of a new cabinet-level state Department of Early Childhood.
Too Many School Choice Options Can Lead to Enrollment Chaos
With more school districts looking to create a universal enrollment process for public schools, Education Dive encourages prospective districts to examine best practices and lessons learned from other systems across the country.
When Low-Income Parents Go Back to School
Data from a recent study by the Urban Institute has shown that when low-income parents return back to school to further their education, the benefits from their decision includes more than higher wages.
New Research: States That Chose (or Were Forced) to Spend More Money on Poor Schools Saw Student Gains
A new report by the National Bureau of Economic Research, suggests that “money matters”, calling on states to invest greater resources in order to improve student outcomes in low-income communities.
Across America, Thousands Stand up for Public Schools
A nationwide walk-in movement organized by the Alliance to Reclaim our Schools (AROS) brought together community leaders, parents, students, and educators of more than 900 schools, across more than 30 cities, in support of educational equity and excellence.
The Promise of Integrated Schools
In the wake of the White House’s recent focus on school integration, the Century Foundation has released two reports that highlight a trend in schools pursuing a more diverse student body.