Why it's important to get the vote out
The NPS Advisory School Board Election is April 19, 2016. To increase voter participation, we invited our partners from a variety of local community-based organizations to share their thoughts on the importance of voting.
For each partner organization, we asked:
- Why is voting important for citizens?
- Why do school board elections matter? What's at stake when people don't vote?
- How can we encourage more families to get out to vote?
- As voters take to the polls, What attributes and qualifications do you consider essential for effective school board members?
And, here is what we heard:
- Voting is essential to democracy and honors the history of African-American voting;
- It is not enough to just vote. Instead, voters should be knowledgeable about the issues and candidates;
- The absence of local control has had a negative impact on parent and community engagement efforts.
Interested in having your voice heard? Join the conversation and don’t forget to vote on April 19. You can take our Community Survey and learn more at Campaign Central.
NJBAEO- Focus on Parents
Lavar Young, Executive Director, Newark
Shanell Dunns, Deputy Director, Newark
Ray Ocasio, Executive Director, La Casa de Don Pedro
É muito importante votar nas eleições do próximo conselho das escolas publicas, porque a comunidade precisa de tomar parte nas decisões. A Comunidade deve ter os líderes certo a fazer as melhor decisões para as nossas crianças. Por isso vote dia 19 de Abril e decha a sua voz ser ouvida.
Sarah Cruz, Ironbound Community Corporation
Interested in having your voice heard? Join the conversation and don’t forget to vote on April 19. You can take our Community Survey and learn more at Campaign Central.
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