TUESDAY, May 12th is the day that citizens of Newark will have the opportunity to cast their vote for the three newest members of the Newark Board of Education, a board that makes important decisions that impact our children's education. Are you registered to vote? 

Newark Residents: We ask that you register to vote by April 21st. Click here to check your registration status. Click here to register.

Friends and Supporters: We ask that you share this information and encourage your friends  to mail in their vote for the Newark School Board Election by May 12th.

Take the Project Ready Pledge to Vote: If you're feeling powerless amid Covid-19, you're not alone. But our community is stronger than what we're facing. Take your power back and pledge to vote on May 12th to demand excellence from our leaders and our schools. Encourage your family members and friends to vote too!

Stay Informed: At Campaign Central you have the opportunity to get to know the candidates hoping to serve our schools and our community. You will find the following information on each candidate's profile page where provided: Biography, Recorded Interview, and Forum Question Responses.

Click here to meet the candidates.
