This is an exciting time for education policy and programming in the city of Newark and things move quickly. As an organization dedicated to coordinating and focusing, ideas, people, and resources for providing a quality public education to all children in Newark, we are pleased to provide a regular roundup of education-related news and events throughout the city. It's easy to miss a story or event so we hope that you find this informative and useful.  Each week you will get local, regional and national education news sent straight to your inbox. Our goal is to provide you with interesting information and opinion in a single place with all the latest developments.




Superintendent Cerf Shares Reflections and Strategies

Superintendent Cerf shares reflections on community-wide conversations and strategies to improve the quality of Newark’s traditional public schools, including procedural improvements of the open enrollment system to give parents more time to access information of schools. Read more.


BRICK Academy: On the Road to Charter 

BRICK Academy advances to final round of state’s application to become a charter.  Brick leaders say decision to seek charter route is due to challenges associated with the district’s hiring practices and budget structure. Learn more here.


Foundation for Newark’s Future Invests Millions in Opportunity Youth and Community Schools

Foundation for Newark’s Future will invest up to $12.5 million to launch two initiatives to provide wrap around support services to students living in poverty.  Initiatives include Newark Opportunity Youth Network and the Cerf-Baraka initiative, “South Ward Community Schools.” Learn more about the new South Ward Community Schools Initiative here and read reactions from community members here.


2016-2017 Newark Enrolls Application Now Open

The Newark Public Schools has opened the 2016-17 Newark Enrolls Application. Learn more about upcoming events and enrollment information here


ACNJ Launches New Video On the Need for High Quality Child Care

Watch the ACNJ video here.



Low-Income New Jersey Residents Live in Contamination

State-wide study reveals that New Jersey residents in low-income communities are more likely to live near contamination sites and two schools in Newark are effected. Read the article here and check out the full report by WNYC News here.


Spending Habits Impact Quality of K-12 Education

42 Years after Abbott v. Burke, information suggests that the quality of K-12 education is effected not only by the size of a school’s budget but also how that budget is spent. Check out two articles outlining the financial troubles in the Newark Public Schools district.



Common-Enrollment Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

A new report has been released on the challenges and opportunities associated with common-enrollment systems. Learn more about common-enrollment systems from across the country here and read the full report here.


Every Student Succeeds

On December 9, 2105, the U.S. Senate approved the Every Student Succeeds Act which replaces the No Child Left Behind Act in place for the past 14 years.

A few highlights from the bill include:

  • Holding all students to high academic standards that prepare them for success in college and careers;

  • Empowering state and local decision-makers to develop their own region specific systems for advancing student achievement and school improvement;

  • Reducing the burden of testing on students and teachers;

  • Providing greater access to high-quality preschools;

  • Requiring rigorous accountability for all students;

  • Implementing new and innovative incentives to improve opportunities for students; and

  • More equitable distribution of state and local dollars to schools with the greatest need.

Read the full White House Report here and learn more about the impact on New Jersey here.