NTE’s Safe and Supportive Learning Environments grant initiative began to build an infrastructure for social-emotional learning (SEL) in schools by connecting schools with SEL capacity builders. Based on lessons learned from early work, as well as broader research on national models, NTE refocused the initiative on school-wide capacity building in SEL through the Building School Wide SEL (BSWSEL) program.
What is the Building School-Wide SEL (BSWSEL) pilot about?
The BSWSEL, a multi-year, systemic SEL grant program, launched as a pilot program in January 2020, with five Newark Board of Education schools participating, including George Washington Carver/Bruce Street Elementary, Franklin Elementary, John F. Kennedy High, South Street Elementary, Salomé Ureña Elementary. The Trust and its partners support school-based teams implementing a school-wide model through grants, capacity building, and technical support. During three years, we guide schools in envisioning, planning, implementing, and improving SEL on a school-wide basis.
Please read the policy brief to learn more about the design of the BSWSEL program.