In April 2018, the Abbott Leadership Institute (ALI), in partnership with the Newark Trust for Education (NTE), provided the training “Parents Empowered:Building Your Family’s Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills” to approximately 50 Newark Public School parents, caregivers and community stakeholders at four locations.
ALI and NTE are proud to partner again for the delivery and expansion of the training series. This year we plan to reach 70-100 parents in seven locations across the city of Newark.
This training arose out of the understanding that in order for Newark students to thrive academically in safe and supportive learning environments, parents, educators and those in supportive roles must empower them with the skills and tools to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
The responsibility to introduce students to these skills should not rest primarily with schools--parents and caregivers are a child’s first and most consistent teacher. It is important to teach these skills in a way that empowers adults to further develop and grow their own social emotional competencies, while teaching and encouraging their children and family to do the same.
If your school is interested in participating as a site, or if you are a parent and are interested in attending this series, please contact Kaleena Berryman at (973) 353-3520/ [email protected] for more information.